so proud of her :))


Assalamualaikum w.b.t 
She's officially Dr.Nurhidayah Wahidah =)
 isn't she's beautiful?! mmg sihat terus patient yg dpt treatment beliau for sure
psstt2!! she taken.s0rry guys~ thehehe ;)
Alhamdulillah~~ i'm so0 happy f0r u kaklong syg!!!!!
After all the hard w0rk..u have pr0ve it my dear!! yeayyyy!! =D
Semoga mnjadi doctor muslimah anggun yg ikhlas menyumbang bakti kpd ummah ^^
ameen insyaALLAH ^___^

left one: doc chanteq sy! picca curik dr fb dia.s0rry yerr syg! lama x jumpa laa~
right one: missing th0se old go0d days l di sini bermula segala (SM Sains Kuala Terengganu)

 Dia selalu bilang tensi0n n stress all this while.but i kn0w she's d0ing well as usual.
indeed dlm pada busy2 dia..da lama sgttt x jumpa..selalu jerr concern perihal diri ini.
ouhh.u're one best thing that ever happened to me alg syg!
sincerely thanks f0r being a go0d listener..a great beautiful sister indeed.
8 years and still counting.
i love y0u kakak!!!!!!
ukhwahfillah <3 feel like hugging u right n0w my dear :')
*cepat2 blk m'sia syg! rinduuuuuu doc t'chanteq saya sorng nie :))

kaklong & rakan2 on their big day (picca curik lagi) heee ;D
wishing her 22nd bday l jauh di mata dekat di hati :))

regards l xoxo

. farah .

selingan jiwa #4


..oleh itu bagi yang belum berkahwin, usahlah cemari rumah tanggamu nanti dengan maksiat. Sebelum berkahwin, jodoh untukmu adalah pilihan. Pilihan tentang sesusuk peribadi dan akhlak yang akan mendampingimu. Nama si dia telah pun tercatat di lohmahfuz untukmu namun peribadinya ditentukan oleh peribadimu. Allah akan menjadikannya sekufu pada kebiasaanya. Namun, tidak semua.
Jika kau mengimpikan peribadinya soleh, soleh dan solehahkanlah dirimu :')

petikan buku 'Pemilik Cintaku Setelah ALLAH dan Rasul' 
karya indah Fatimah Syarha Mohd Noordin
kembali m'belek karya best nie tetbe.buku yg dh khatam byk kali pn x rugi ^__^ cukup terkesan di hati. seriously :')
nway,jumms2 amal ayat indah kt bwh nie.HE knows well insyaALLAH aminnn.Bukakan hati ini buat 'adam' terbaik yg telah dipilihMU dan kepadaMU jua kuserah segalanya ya ALLAH :) 

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

"Ya Tuhan kami, anugerahkanlah kepada kami isteri-isteri kami dan keturunan kami sebagai penyenang hati (kami) dan jadikanlah kami imam kepada orang-orang yang bertaqwa." 
(Surah Al-Furqan 25:74) 

women says l gambar sekadar hiasan ;)

regards l xoxo

. farah . 

ikea with love!


Assalamualaikum w.b.t =)
okeyh ini entry kebahagiaan di ikea very recently.thehehe ^^
blk dr wedding bro razi + sis cake (previous entry) tr0s serbu ikea craving f0r meatball+daim choc nyer psl.hekx! ;P ouhh i lovesssss fo0ds people.seri0usly.mkn2 pn da kasi hati riang gumbira.LOL ;D had0iyaiii~ ada hati nk lost weight.apa hal nie cik farah uiii!! :PP btw, t'jumpa mkngah pkngah n si kembar 2d (danial+damia) extra fun! :))

*ok kit0rg buat ikea da mcm rumah weiiiiii~ ngee ;D

*ok tika kelaparan.already craving f0r meatballs+daim choc fav0ritass!! ishk2~ anyone nk blnja cikgu jumms2!! ngee ;D

regards l xoxo

. farah .

wedding bro razi+sis cake l ttdi


Assalamualaikum w.b.t =)
Cuti sekolah haruslah musim org kawen kn?! kn?! Alhamdulillah~~ so this week terbang ke Taman Tun Dr Ismail f0r wedding rakan ph0tog bro razi+sis cake :)) Acc0mpany by antie n lil cuziey.mujur laa smpai jugakx after t'sesat barat utara timur selatan sume.hekx! ;P C0ngratulati0ns to b0th of u~ may the beautiful love st0ry last eternally insyaALLAH ameen.dec0rati0n wedding very2 niceeee ok~ macaron sgt yummeyh!! ^^ nnti ainaa kawen wajib dtg plak x kira yerr k0rng~ br0 razi jd phot0g laa tpi..thehehe ;)

*after mkn2 kenduri blh plak teringin ke ikea c0z da lama mengidam meatball+daim choc cake.hekx! ^^
next update keyh! stay tune. (^___~)

wahh!! ph0tog2 hebat pn nk interframe jugekx ;P [ bro azlee + bro onald ] bo0k seap2 utk wedding
ainaa nnti aci x bro?? LOL ^^ gaya cam da ada calon ;P

regards l xoxo

. farah .

one new beginning l blissful jumaat ^____^


Alhamdulillah syukur~ *speechless*
berkati & rahmati langkah perjalananku selepas ini Ya ALLAH =')
guide me the best way to improve myself insyaALLAH ameen~~
thnxx f0r making this real
ibu . abah . izzat . fatin
kaklong syg byk2.n0w n f0rever.muaahhhx!! =)

photo taken l 2009 *first2 main camera abah ^___^

regards l xoxo

. farah .

wedding po0h l janda baik


Assalamualaikum w.b.t =)
Went to Janda Baik, Pahang with dearies [ hanum . qinah . ezz . zarikh ]
Congratulati0n wann+zaujah!!! Wann a.k.a po0h was my classmate back in 2005 SM Sains Kuala Terengganu =)
beautiful couple i must say!!! kenal kt iluvislam lagiiii~ may ALLAH bless.always :)) ouhh yahh~ way back h0me,singgah b'f0ya2 kt 'Air Terjun Lentang'.tp mereka2 shja mandi since cikgu x bwk extra baju.hukhuk!


nota kaki: cikgu yg kemain hepi duk 'peace2' tue amek berkat bakal pengntin bru.ehemm2 ;) thehehe ^^

regards l xoxo

. farah .

kerinduan!!! :(


Assalamualaikum!! hurmm~ rinduuuuu laa kt cik kak s0rng nie.ouhhh today is her big day :))
a very happy bday,cik bestie!! she's one special lady wh0s remain close to the heart.cik nur imanina syg,thnxx f0r always be here n0 matter what.8 years and still c0unting :')
pls take a go0d care of y0urself my dear.da 23 lahh yunk! t0ksah nk muka c0meyl sgt muda 5 thn dr ainaa plss! hehs~ (^^,) sayang awk dunia akhirat taw macikk! ^^ jaga diri hiasi peribadi *hugs*

a sh0rt visit to SESTER kesyg p'tghn thn nie :')

regards l xoxo

. farah .

pstt2!! i love u ;D


Assalamualaikum!! =)
pstt2!! someone called me just n0w.and and blh tersenyum lebar cam nie haa lagi ^________^ hihiiiii :)
Aimie Abd Halim nama diberi.she's one adorable lady..a sweet sister..ouhh Ya ALLAH~ fr0m fb..meets her twice..and kn0w what?! dh b'jaya mencuri hati yg satu nehh.ehe =) haa~ tgk muka pn da blh cair kann..kann..but pers0nally,she's m0re beautiful inside laa i must say.b0rak2 dgn dier pn da blh sejukkn hati ok people.subhanallah~~ untunglaa insan2 yg disygi beliau.especially abg dinie.thehehe ^^, ouhh yerr.inchek tunang dia is abg dinie rifdi =) sm0ga p'jlnan mereka dipermudahknNYA ameen.x sabar okayhh!! nk tgk si chanteq & si kacak nie bersanding next year.heheh.insyaALLAH~~ did0a2kn sentiasa :))

p/s: kakak nie sgt friendly jugee~ t'kedu tr0s cikgu yg byk ckp nie time jumpa hari tue.hikhik! segan ouhh ;) but nway,kakak cumeyl nie nk exam 2 paper ACCA dia next week.risau betul dier~ smpai deactivate a/c fb haa..hikhik! ^^
ok2 mari d0akn ALLAH permudahkn exam dia kali nie ameen.all the best,sweetheart!! i kn0w u will d0 it great.chaiy0kx2 kakak!!! *hugs* miss u already :(

regards l xoxo

. farah .

semoga cepat kahwin ;P


Assalamualaikum!! =)
Semoga sentiasa sihat ceria dibwh rahmat & inayahNYA ameen ^__^
ok diz is marathon update.rinduuuuu jugakx sama photoblog nan 1 nehh.ehe.
btw,title entry kemain kn..chup2!! its a bday wish from the special one.thehehe ;)
(erkk?! its a d0a cik ima..x sempat 23 kte apply utk thn2 dpn plak k! ngee!)
Alhamdulillah utk nikmat hidup 23thn nie.sm0ga m'gembirakn insan2 sekeliling.and peningkatan usia mengingtkn betapa dekatnya kita dgn kematian mem0hon jutaan ampun & maaf atas segala kekhilafan diri yg serba x sempurna nie.wish to be a better pers0n day by day insyaALLAH! d0a2kn =)

lots of loveeeee buat cik bestie Nur iMaNiNa sygggg~ terharu ouhh.s0bs s0bs :') the secret recipe all the wayyy fr0m terengganu okayhh! ehh! heheh..branch kt sini laa tapi..ouhh sweethearts~~ ingatn itu yg lebih penting.seriously :') thnxx a bunch buat cik adeqs delivery.dearest ade fox + meen *hugs*

actly 16september2011 thn nie jatuh pd hari yg sama dgn open h0use kt rumah! eheheh ^^
terima kasih k0rng~~~ yg sudi dtg!!! alhamdulillah..everythng went well =)

regards l xoxo

. farah .

The st0rybo0k album l Baby Mia Az-Zahra


Assalamualaikum w.b.t =)
As promises,tadaaaa~ First storybo0k album by cikgu.alhamdulillah~~
da smpai kt tgn kak sarah & abg amrul pn.they're satisfied.terharu =')
Thankies a bestfriend of mine inchek Mohd Onald f0r making this real.sifo0 yg punya lahh x kedekut ilmu.sabar jerk mengajar org yg br merangkak nk try story bo0k editing nehh.ehe ^^ tQ3!!!!!!! jasamu dikenang cikgu! thehee~ sgt2 byk blaja photoshop dr beliau jugaa~

*haa~ blh click nama beliau ab0ve utk usha photow0rks yg sgt superb.inspiring seri0usly =)

regards l xoxo

. farah .

entry RAYER okayhhh l part II


fuhhh2!! da b'habuk amat nehh.i kn0w ;P
nk ckp nyer..sdg b'cuti sem nie..heaven! alhamdulillah ^___^
ok blh update dgn lebih rajin insyaALLAH.ehe ;)

p/s: x brapa rajin nk menulis ouhh now.lets picca do the talks yahh! thnxx f0r dr0pping here people! m0st appreciated.seri0usly :')

regards l xoxo

. farah .

Majlis Akikah Mia Az-Zahra l 18/9/11


Assalamualaikum w.b.t~
May ALLAH bless always people =)
Diz time wanna update about Majlis Akikah Baby Mia Az-Zahra which held on 18 September 2011 at Sg.Buloh. A big thanks to Kak Sarah + Abg Amrul wh0se given this beautiful opportunity plus sudi b'kongsi moment2 indah event nie dgn cikgu =) an OP that was a blessful event alhamdulillah~ everythng went well even this is my very very first time sho0t majlis akikah.nervous jugakx!! ^^ but still. syukurrrr ya ALLAH :') Credit also goes to my lovely friend Miss Athirah Harun yg introduce saya kt mummy & daddy baby mia kte nie.tQ yunk!!!!!! worth experience seriously =) layanan fr0m the whole family jugakx sgt superb!!! alhamdulillah :')

*picca sgt byk ouhh.lets pick up the rand0m one yah!
the next entry will be the album (story bo0k) of the event insyaALLAH =)
u guys stay tune~~ heheh ^___^

si hands0me atiff *melts* hihiiii ;)

regards l xoxo 

. farah .