entry berselera utk deria anda *wink2*

As Salam semua :)
diz is the quick update. teruja sikit bab2 fo0ds nehh! i'm a fo0d lover korng! serious ckp!
tgk badan lahh derr~ heks! ^^ ade hati nk j0in prog dietary HUKM. haha! :P
weekend dtg lagi yeayyy!! tlg laa faham weekend jerr time nk lapangkn jiwa dan raga as guru pelatih nie :))
n0w weekdays sgt pack dgn prog mktb. Larian Mesra, Kejohanan Olahraga Tahunan (KOT), Projek Inovasi P&P.
you name it.huuu~ bertabah lahh wahai guru muda!! ok2 back to the st0ry then.
went to RESTORAN SS2 MURNI, PJ bersama rakan2 IPG t'syg.heaven k0wt!
sumpah rasa nk pegi lg and try menu2 lain plak!!!!! ergghhhh~~ laparrrr ok!!!!! :(
xyah st0ry byk. j0mm2 layannnn picca jelah!! heks!! ^^

bihun goreng chicken chop l mine ^^


nasi goreng napoleon l very recommended :)

ribena special sayer l tembikai special l mango special
-minum sajeee pn dh kenyang kowt korng.seyez best!-

raja mee was so-so i think.tp seafo0ds manyakkkkk~

see!! mane x special ribena sayer!! shedappp~~

x penah nyer x cr0wded l x cayer tanye org area PJ ^^

picca ehsan GOOGLE ---> menu yg teringin dicuba.ehehe ^^
Ok dh bleyh continue buat esei due date khamis nie.huu~
Ya ALLAH,limpahkan ilham dan ketenangan buat diri ini.aminnnn~
sy penat hari nie.so,tetbe sy cam lapar sgt.thehehe ^^
MURNI anyone??

      click image utk enlarge kawan2..ehe ^^      

regards l xoxo

. farah .


themanbhaek said...

byk2 gambar, gmbar aku yg buruk jgk ko letak kn. hu dengki tol ngan aku.

:: cikgufarah :: said...

haippp!! bur0k pe nyer~~
gmba plg chanteq kaw aku rase b'sama dgn enchek z**i lakx.satg gantung cni kontr0versi aku xmaw t/jwb.hekx! ;P
xde nk dengki2 nyer derr~ jaga hati n em0si mmber lorh nie.atau nk aku letak kn kahh? ehe ^^

CouLeur de Chiqu3 said...

mango special is the best..!! aaa...teringat la..terliurlah..

ad said...

BEST mamam sana...syuker...^^V
da keinginan nak pegy lagi nie...(:

Chibiblupblup said...

kakak!!! aku da lama ta pergi Murni ni! nanti aku maw pergi nex time kakak blanja aku ok? ;D